Your tax-deductible donations help educate the public about Anabaptist history and vision, connect families through genealogical research and discovery, preserve local historical artifacts, and share the love of God through the witness of story-telling and fellowship. Please consider making a charitable contribution today by clicking the “donate” button below or by mailing a check to IMHGS at 675 State Route 116, Metamora, IL 61548-7732.

 Current Fundraising Projects:
      • Funds for Routine Building & Lawn Maintenance
      • Updated Computer System for Archival Purposes


Become a Member!

Annual Membership Dues are $40 per year. Members receive issues of the Illinois Mennonite Heritage Quarterly as printed. This publication features articles on history of Mennonites in Illinois and highlights current happenings at the Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society (IMHGS). Members are encouraged to attend and participate in our annual Spring and Fall business meetings, where updates are given regarding the work of IMHGS and refreshments are served. This is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with others that share a passion for history, Anabaptist faith, and fellowship. See below for auto-renew and one-year only payment options or send a check to IMHGS with “dues” in memo (please include desired delivery name and address on return label or on note with check).

Membership Dues


One-Time Membership Fee